Coming up next semester there will be a new President in office. I don't understand how everyone is happy for this there has to be a majority of people who voted for W or he wouldn't have been elected right? I guess I'm no political science major so I just wouldn't understand.
Well either way more then half this campus has been ready for the Election of 2008 and have been seen drolling and screaming like school girls (even the guys.) Other then the whole Gender and Race being a major factor in this election another huge addition in the use of social networking.
a few websites talk about this like Barack's Secret Weapon I'll ruin it for you it's the internet.
People are using the social networking websites to get connected with one another and stage meetings and support groups for there presidential hopefuls.
This can be good and bad. I feel a lot of these websites and meetings are taking away from the actual important part of the election and thats the politics. These websites and groups are telling you to vote for change or some other catchy phrase and not really what to vote for. I am registered Republican but consider myself Libertarian because I feel Democrats are Sissys and Republicans are nuts. (I'm more nuts then sissy) I saw there was a meeting for Democratic Caucus that was giving out free Chipotle, I don't turn down free food. Long story short the sides weren't arguing about which side was going to lower the taxes or why they would better the country they were just blabbing about why the other side sucked. This isn't helping America.
Videos like this don't go too much into why Barack is better.
I agree with you that these websites are bringing people together in opposition of certain candidates. It's rare nowadays to read a completely neutral unbiased article or blog entry about politics , but more common to read bashing, harsh criticism.
PS. The Obama girl video is nuts.
I don't really get why people feel the need to blurt out their own opinions over and over again to others just as radical and unchanging as themselves? What do they really think they will accomplish? That the other equally stubborn side will just say "oh...wow i never thought of it that way! You're right, your candidate is soo much better." Yeah no, not going to happen. M
Maybe it's just because everyone wants to think that someone else cares about their opinion...?
I've given up reading politics related stuff, except for things by people who don't care about politics. Like Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, who admits to not voting in this post and makes an interesting point when comparing presidential candidates to insurance policies in this post.
I agree with everything you said, especially the point how people show up to meetings and just bash the opposing candidate and dont really speak about the politics involved. Thats what turned me off about John Kerry last election, everything he said was how Bush was wrong etc etc but i had no clue what his views were.. I'd rather see less bashing and more talk about the actual issues at hand.
I also agree that these sites are just for political bashing in ganging up with people who believe what you do. This is a problem for people who are actually trying to get information about the upcoming race, and make decisions as to who they will be voting for...and I would say the video is a beautiful example
The internet has definitely allowed people to produce useless content. The same applies for political content. Although the internet can be a great resource, there is also a lot of garbage and it can be frustrating a times, to have to filter it all out.
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