Social Networking and the Internet are in full steam but is there an end?
We have gotten to a point where Regular Joe can take his 15 minutes a fame to a profession.
Some trailer trash can get a ball in the rocks and it can be shown over the world in matter of seconds.
We can stay connected through various social internet networks and see the mistakes our friends make on weekends without the strenuous task of actually staying "connected."
But are we getting bored of this and how long will it last?
The Many Challenges of Social Networking
This site brings up some valid points about the fast growing social trends and if they have matured.
Companies are finding out no one really clicks the ads on these sites and are starting to take away the advertisement so Average Joe may not really be able to make this a profession. Theres also now a million Average Joes trying to do the same thing.
People are loving to stay connected but not loving those popups. If Facebook gets taken over by the Evil Empires (Which it has) advertisment can take away the trust of those logged in and leave if they can actually make it through the Mission Impossible task of deleting your account. That stalker who lives off of seeing your pictures might be pretty upset if you finally do get out.
Where do I see this all going?
There is just going to be changes but I don't think this trend of social connecting will die down. If the video is popular it will find its way into others, if it is a good blog people will find it. It's the internet, information has no where to hide.
Rules of Competition if facebook loses its luster some shiny new program will surely take its place.
Social Networking will stay on the Internet but will find new and creative tools to stay there.
We are at the tip of the Iceburg
I agree with you! I don't think we will ever lose the need for socail networking sites, in some form or another. Everyone wants to connect with other people (well almost everyone) and that feeling of conncection and interaction is going to be used in the newest applications, we'll just see how it all works out
I do think that there will always be a desire for social networks, especially with younger generations...and our generation may get tired of these sites and not go on them as much, but i do think that we will still have our profiles - just in case we want to stalk in the future... and when we graduate in a couple weeks and will not be in the same city, i know you will be checking up on me on the "book" lets be honest here Brian or shall i say bff?
are you still an active user of facebook if you hate it so much?
Oh Brian... you're so intuitive. I agree with you and Steph in particular - I think social networking is essential given American culture and the human need for a sense of 'community' (what philosopher was that?) but they will definitely continue to become more and more advanced.
ps. facebook chat is alive!!!!!
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