Sunday, March 30, 2008

Who to Hire

Thought this was a good topic to hit on with me being at the end of the road in my college career. I think I've written about this a couple of times but there was an interesting site that talks about the best people to hire and it wasn't one of those run in the mills sites that says just look for great resumes. It also has a top Ten List, I love that. Heres the Site

It talks about how the trends of hiring should go off the carbon copy perfect resume. It goes into the quality of the person. If I started up a company I wouldn't look so much at the person's resume as much as the kind of image you get and how you feel they will fit in a team. I think this is such an important task that they shouldn't leave it to people low on the team to do the interviewing. I think the interviews shouldn't be just one day sitting at a desk either the person should be brought into the workday and have everyone feel them out kind've like what we do with recruits for track.

A good idea I read about was to use the blog as a resume.
Here you find out who you really are dealing with and there interest and you can tell by what they talk about and how they interpret ideas how intelligent and interesting they are. With some of the videos I have on my blog I hope they don't use this one.

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