Teams is something I've been able to avoid until college. I mean yeah I was on the track team but thats an individual sport. Rarely did you have to rely on the other teammates for success. Now at American University we are always together and must use each other to push and succeed. Even though we are racing each other and actually trying to beat each other at the same time beating ourselves this isn't the hard part of college. I hate group projects. Who doesn't right? I love the idea you can meet new people and they usually are fun ideas. But I hate when you get that guy. If you don't know who that guy is it is probably you. That guys is the guy who doesn't do the work and leaves it to the smart hard worker to do for them(I am neither.) Then there is that girl. That girl is the girl who tries to take charge of the group and then you realize to yourself, "This girl doesn't know anything and I hate her, at least that guy doesn't show up and leaves us alone." I hate that girl more then I hate that guy.
A website that helps people figure out what they should look to build a team that is actually worth reading is this one; How to Pick Your Million Dollar Crew
Great starter
- Your greatest plan is only as strong as your weakest link.
- You don’t know what you don’t know
This can go in so many ways. READ IT THAT GIRL AND STOP RUINING GROUPS. If you don't know who that one is, its probably you.
Reference: The Picture came from here http://portfolio.rimestimes.net/teach.htm group projects are truly awesome.
The worst also is when you have 5 of 'those girls' who all want to take charge and have it their way. Clashing is the worst, especially when everyone is graded the same. Taking responsibility for the whole group is a harsh reality.
Good real world practice though...
Wow you hit the nail on the head. I hate group projects, but sometimes I think they help us most in the real world. The difference is in the real world the individual not doing anything would most likely get fired eventually.
When it comes to teams, specially in school, the most important process in creating the team is selecting the members carefully and making the formulation as clear as possible. I really don't like it when a professor just assign us randomly or give us very little time to form the team although it affects everything else later on. Productivity, collaboration, communication ... etc
I appreciate the nod to the site.
Proper team building is a skill (not a talent) that will really make a difference in your life no matter what you end up doing.
Kepp Hustling
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