Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cellife-instead of phone!

Good title I know the semester is ending and each coming weak my brain loses more interest in anything other then getting out of school.

Cellphones are starting to make us all look like zombies. I admit I am one of them. I have a blackberry which gives me at least 2 extra cool points right? no 2 less i hate myself. But I can actually live off of this phone. I can communicate and interact with a wealth of knowledge through this tiny device it is almost as good as a computer. I even have the option of GPS where I can find places and people through my phone. I don't know how much it is and I am already paying enough.

This idea of finding people through there phone is pretty scary now that it can be easily distributed into the hands of regular civilians like ourselves.

Check this website

It talks about how the phone can find you and direct you to the closest interest you are looking for, that is scary we are going to look back in 10 years and say remember when the phone was just a high powered internet machine.

remember when you wanted to do this to your cellphone? won't do that to these few hundred dollar phones.


David R. said...

Who knows where we'll be in 5 to 10 years, it really is scary. For soem reason, I havent really bought into this current generation of internet phones. I think its becuase I rarely need the internet outside of work, school and my house, and those are the places I have the internet already. Perhaps if i end up in a job in which I constantly need access and I travel alot it would make sense, but until then I think it is unnecessary.

Abdul said...
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Abdul said...

Cellphone Zombies :-) I agree. It's in class, at work, at home, with your friends everywhere. That's why I like the idea of one mobile-free day every week just to taste the beauty and freedom of being somewhat independent of those robotic devices for one whole day.

Brian said...

I agree with you dave. I have internet on my phone and i dont really need it. let's hope you don't get stuck with a job you can never leave. Abdul, that is a good idea but everyone would have different days and it just would be missed calls everywhere.

Jessica said...

Zombie, addicts, freaks - I am a total slave to my cell phone. I feel literally naked when I don't have it with me. I'm dying to get an I-Phone, but am reluctant because I know it will change my life and I will never ever put it down.

I have a really good idea for an I-phone commercial that actually happened to a bunch of my friends who were traveling in a car from LA to DC. Somewhere 6 hours outside of California, they opened the window to throw a piece of gum out and the directions, which were printed and resting on the dash, FLEW out the window and all over the highway. How did they make it all the way across the country - using the I-Phone to track their location and to get directions. GENIUS!!!!

Ashley M said...

I have a blackberrry and motorola Q and I don't need either. I use them too much and live on them.

My bosses do the same thing. It's not just our generation though.

I can't even imagine a time without cell phones.

Abdul, I leave my phone home once and awhile.. and I receive really really angry messages from people that can't get in touch.. isn't that ridiculous?

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