I look for any reason to quote Michael Jackson and even put up pictures of him. I think he is innocent and a great artist but I can't go into that because I write too long post as it is.
What I really mean with that title is how marketing keeps finding new ways to try and bring me in to buying something. The marketers have abused our trust with these terrible ideas to sell us there products. How do we know if it is truly a product that can work. All these info commercials with these terrible actors telling me this product REALLY works. OR these pop up ads when I'm on the computer that say I won a new reward. I can't watch tv shows because ads take up 15 minutes of a 30 minute show. This has lead to the normal consumer becoming a zombie and un-fazed by these terrible advertisements and now these companies are looking to save themselves.
I read this article, Conversational Marketing Asks "Can We Talk?" By Jack Myer
"Conversational marketing allows you to start the conversation, listen and react," she explains. "Because you are listening you can add layers that make sense to the individual. It's about using consumer created content to engage in a conversation with an individual."
So they are saying the company itself will start talking to me? I don't know like I said I don't trust these guys, they'll outsource this conversation to some other country who will answer our questions in a generic form. These companies haven't cared about the individual because they don't need to people will buy anything, Brittney Spears still sells CDS.
I like these new ideas where we in some way take out the middle man of advertisement and listen to one another. These social retailing sites like Kaboodle put a bunch of items together from different websites and we can get feedback from people who bought them without having to deal with the wishy washy actors telling us how they are real people who really love it.
I'd trust some of these companies if they used Michael Jackson to sell their products...
and ONLY Michael Jackson.
As a marketing major I was kind of taken back by your blog. You bring up some great points. Marketers are struggling in this new era of TIVO, increased competition, and consumers getting sick of the same ads. I haven't really used these social retailing sites all that much, but I like the idea as well. However, I feel that user comments on previously bought items (Amazon.com) for example suffice. Or few computer products (www.newegg.com) is a good example. A lot of times I find myself buying things solely based on what consumers who have previously bought the product are saying.
Being able to see what other users think of a product is a huge boon to consumers. Whenever I shop for computer parts, I always check the user reviews on the top two computer part sites, newegg.com and tigerdirect.com. I haven't tried these social shopping sites and i don't think I ever will. I usually deliberate a while before I buy something.
just testing
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